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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "management buyouts (mbo) - government policy - china"

    40  management
     2  management buyouts mbo) - government policy - china
     1  management in
     1  management notice
     1  management shakeup
     1  management's
     1  management-
     1  manager
     1  managers
     1  managers - china
     6  managing
     1  managing information
     1  managing news
     1  managing rebellion
     1  managing the aftershocks from power transfer
     1  managing the u.s.-china foreign economic dialogue
     1  managment
     1  manchesite
     3  manchu
     1  manchu dynasty
     1  manchu empire
     1  manchu in
     1  manchu language
     1  manchu,
     4  manchuria
     1  manchuria china)
     1  manchuria start of slide into war
     1  manchus
    13  mandarin
     1  mandarin - china

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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